Preschool and kindergarten have been a huge conundrum for parents, especially since the jump from preschool to kindergarten is something a lot of children take time to adjust to. Therefore, different states in the United States have now introduced a transitional kindergarten program to make that jump easier for most students. 

What Is Transitional Kindergarten?

Transitional kindergarten was inaugurated in California in2010 for children who had outgrown preschool but did not have the mental capacity to start attending kindergarten yet. It is the ideal program for children who have their birthdays in the fall months and therefore do not meet the age requirements for kindergarten after preschool ends. 

Other than that, even children who do meet the age requirement for kindergarten are sometimes enrolled in transitional kindergarten, so they may take some time to prepare for what lies ahead. 


Benefits Of Transitional Kindergarten

While the idea of transitional kindergarten seems to be quite ideal; many parents often wonder if it just helps fill children’s time or does it benefits children in some way. There are some visible benefits to enrolling your child in a transitional kindergarten program, and here are some of them: 


Gives Children More Time To Learn

Kindergarten is much more academic than preschool, and children are suddenly required to learn courses and display their knowledge. While the kindergarten system helps nurture children in this regard, there is no denying that some children find it hard to keep up with their studies. 

Transitional kindergarten also has courses similar to that of kindergarten, and it helps in letting children adjust to the curriculum in their own time. When children take their time to learn courses, they no longer feel overwhelmed by the new expectations in kindergarten. In fact, many children with transitional kindergarten education find it easier to keep up with the curriculum in kindergarten.  


Helps Adjust Children To Kindergarten

When children spend their time in transitional kindergarten before moving on to kindergarten, they are exposed to a very similar environment as kindergarten. So once they do make the leap, it’s almost like ado-over for them. These children can navigate kindergarten better since they know exactly what to do. These children find it easier to make new friends and stay updated with their courses alongside. 


Helps In Developing Math And Literature Skills

Studies have shown that transitional kindergarten helps children hone their math and literature skills, which gives them a slight advantage over their peers. Math and literature are undoubtedly among the more complex parts of a kindergarten curriculum, and some children take longer than others to do well in these subjects. Transitional kindergarten allows children to spend longer trying to understand these subjects, so when they are finally in kindergarten, they will be able to pick up on these subjects better. 


Final Thoughts

Transitional kindergarten is definitely something many parents should consider for their children. It will help develop their minds and give them an advantage when they make it to kindergarten.