You may have heard from your child that the parents of some of their friends are incredibly cool and friendly, and you’ve always wished to be like them. In this guide, we will learn what permissive parenting means and how the parenting style can help you build a good relationship with your child.

Permissive parenting is a parenting style, where you treat your child more like a friend. There are few or no such rules and regulations imposed on the child. Instead of keeping track of your children’s activities and making them disciplined, permissive parents prefer no confrontation and are lenient. Let’s discuss this parenting style in detail.


Traits Of Permissive Parenting

Every parent wants the best for their child in terms of education, health, and everything. Their parenting style could be different, but they want the same thing, that is, to provide their children with nothing but the best.

 The same applies to the permissive parenting style. Here are a few traits of their parenting style:

  • They make little or no set of rules
  • They are more friendly, loving, and caring towards their child.
  • They are less demanding.
  • They believe in their child’s freedom and do not hold them accountable for their actions.
  • They want their child to learn and experience things themselves.
  • They give their child all the possible benefits they could provide.
  • They consider their child’s opinion before making big decisions for them.

Pros & Cons Of Permissive Parenting

Like discussed before, that no parent wants anything bad for their child. It’s the parenting style that makes them different. No parenting style is considered perfect. There are some pros and cons to them. Here are some in case of permissive parenting.


  • Room for creativity. This type of parenting allows children to pursue whatever career and passion they desire. Children raised in this manner typically mature faster and have the opportunity to become whatever they choose to be.
  • Become more confident. The parents who possess a permissive parenting style allow their children to be free. This way, they become more confident and take on adventurous challenges in life without worrying about the consequences.
  •  Relationships become stronger. The bond between the parents and their children is stronger because they know they can do anything and there won’t be any confrontation even if they do something wrong.


  • Misuse of freedom. Every child is not the same; in some cases, freedom makes a child more self-dependent. But not in every case; if you do not know what your child eats, how will you make sure that the food they are eating is even healthy? With no boundaries set, they might adopt bad habits.
  • Prone to depression, anxiety. Your parenting style may affect your children as they are free to make their own decisions and find solutions to their problems themselves. Such an environment can lead to them feeling anxious or depressed.
  •  Bad attitude issues might arise when your child is allowed to make their own decisions at home. There’s a chance they’ll practice the same outside their homes, which could make them look rebellious.

Ending Thoughts

Anything in excess is harmful, whether you are too friendly or strict. Maintaining a healthy balance between the two will help you be a better parent and raise your child in a better way.