Parents are always going to be passionate about why they parent in the styles they do, but that does not mean your friendships have to suffer. 

Don’t Try to Change Any Minds

If you find something that your friend is doing as a parent so egregious, you may be tempted to tell them why it’s wrong. However, just know that you aren’t the only parent who is loving of their children and that it is highly unlikely that they would have this parenting style without their rationale towards it. You may not agree with the rationale, but it is certainly worth hearing it out and trying to understand rather than becoming argumentative over it. 


Do Not Rush To Conclusions

If there has ever been a time where another parent seemed skeptical of your parenting style, you should not assume their skepticism is rooted in disapproval. Many times, parents are essentially taking notes on what other parents do. This is not even based on whether they think it is a good or bad idea, but simply because they are trying to learn and acquire new tactics themselves. 


Understand The Differences In Personalities

The parenting styles that you have discovered have been more effective are effective because you feel comfortable in acting them out. This means that your natural personality is likely taking over to some degree. Your friends who are parents may have found a formula that also works for them, and just looks much different on the surface than yours. 


Understand The Differences In Children

Each child also does not necessarily respond the same way to the same time of parenting. As a parent, the primary goal is to get the most out of your child and prepare them for the world. It is up to the parent to find what works in a relationship with their child in terms of accomplishing this. Just remember, there is no “right” and universal way for parents.