Disciplining children without an argument might seem hard or even impossible. However, we all know that children won’t learn etiquette and key lessons in life without proper discipline. Yelling at kids and smacking them might feel easy, but it is counterproductive and harmful. It will instigate rebelliousness and aggression in kids. Hence, you must avoid such actions. These are some steps to take towards more effective methods for discipline.


Explain Quickly

When kids do something wrong, you should explain it to them in clear, short, and simple terms. Kids don’t have the attention necessary for long-winded speeches. For example, if a kid is running around with food in their mouth, gently explain that doing so can choke them.


Be Firm, But Kind

Don’t express annoyance via harmful means like name-calling, shouting, or smacking. Be stern but calm while avoiding blaming. While disciplining a kid, remember to stay in full control.


Provide Alternatives

If you catch kids jumping up and down on the bed yet again, provide them with an alternative instead of just restricting them. For example, you can tell them to play in the yard and perhaps you can join them.


Set The Perfect Example

Children closely mimic what their grownups do, for they learn from your deeds. Hence, you should be conscious of your behavior at all times, especially in front of a child.

Avoid cursing, yelling, and rude behavior. If kids acquire these bad habits, it will be much harder to talk to them if you yourself have the same issues. Kids are more intelligent than most people think. If they catch you indulging in bad behavior, they will feel confident doing the same, knowing that they can defend such behavior by pointing out what you are doing.

Show Empathy

If your child is resentful or in a bad mood, you should gently talk about it and its reasons. This shows that you care for your child. For example, you can say, “I know picking up toys is boring, but it has to be done. Otherwise, your toys will break.”


No Smacking

Physically reprimanding your children is counterproductive. It leaves a strongly adverse psychological impact, but it is also dangerous. Hits to the head can cause serious and irreversible physical damage. If you research violent criminals, you will invariably find that they all came from abusive and violent homes.

Realistic Consequences That You Can Implement Immediately (If Necessary)

You may have to resort to threatening the kids with consequences at times. However, you should make sure that the consequences are realistic so that you can carry them out if needed.

For example, if your kid won’t change into their school uniform, tell them that you will take them to school in their pajamas. If they still don’t listen, you should not hesitate to carry out your threat. This way, they will know that the consequences are real and embarrassing.


Bottom Line

Steps for safe but effective discipline are what you need to improve your kids’ behavior without harming them in any way. We hope this proves to be a great read for you.