3 useful ways to build and maintain healthier relationships and a stronger mindset:


1. Let Things go

As humans, it is okay to make mistakes and not investigate them negatively; that way, you are on a healthy track to take a step back and rethink what could have gone wrong without beating yourself down.


2. Think for yourself

Maybe you’ve confided things to family or friends, and they say something hurtful. It is okay to be confident in yourself and not let people control the way you feel about yourself.


3. Set Boundaries

Have a game plan to do the things that can only benefit you and remember never to be pressured into anything that will not be beneficial to you in the long haul.


4. Know that it takes time and practice; here are some tools to help you navigate your self-care practice:


Habit Tracker

Break bad habits by starting new healthy habits you want instead. You could pinpoint these as written goals and then start making sure of your progress with a Habit Tracker.


Goal Sheet

Forgive yourself by treating mistakes as a new beginning to meet your short-term goals to give yourself happiness and fulfillment and get excited for rewarding good behavior every now and then with a treat for your progress.